Sunday, August 16, 2009

less than a week now :(

It's really hard to know that I leave in less than a week. I wish more than anything I could stay longer. If I didn't have school starting so soon.... But I can only cross my fingers that one day I can return.

The library is going fantastic and Friday we had about 50 kids! With such a small building it's a given that it was pretty loud for a library but they were really well behaved and we are really starting a good clean slate for future voulunteers because the most important thing is order and being able to control that amount of kids and re enforcing rules. Which they are really getting a hang of.

This Saturday we had a realy nice ad relaxing day trip to dodi island Which is in lake Volta. We took a cruise that had. Great music food drinks and even a small pool to the island. The island didn't have much to offer it was more so for the landscape. We all put on lots of sunscreen but all got very burnt.

Sunday was a long day but I was able to keep myself buisy transfering picture files to my laptop from everyones camera cards. In the process we found out that anyone who put anything in the Internet cafe including USB cards or sd camera cards where full of viruses. And people where starting to lose pics from the damage. Since I was the only person who had a clean computer with virus protection I took charge and was able to clean up everything I could detected. Everything is cleaned up and now tomorrow I get to actually make copies for everyone

We have had a bug going around I was one of the first to get it in my first week and it's still going around. one of the older ladies is probably to the clinic tomorrow. It's lasting longer than the normal 2-3 days so keep her in your paryers cause she is here for 10 more weeks.

Along with work we have alot going on this week. Including African dances, folktales, monkey sacuary and who knows what else might pop up!


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